Monthly Archives: February 2009

Stimulating the GTP

By William R. Toler

Gov. Bev Perdue announced Tuesday that $64 million from the president’s stimulus package will be dedicated to the construction of a parkway connecting U.S. 70 to the Global Transpark, according to the Kinston Free Press

The Free Press reported that the four-mile connector will consist of 12 bridges and should be completed within four years. This road is one of several of the “state’s ‘shovel-ready’ transportation projects” funded by the $466 million in federal dollars provided by the so-called stimulus.

At the announcement, Perdue also used one of the president’s newest catch phrases stating that extension could “save or create 1,900 secondary or primary jobs.”

To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh, how do you calculate a saved job?
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Filed under News, Politics

New lungs for Amy

Amy Holliday, who has been battling cystic fibrosis, successfully went through double-lung transplant surgery today, according to Newschannel 12.

In 2005, the Independent Register featured a story on Amy and her goal to raise money for the transplant. Hopefully the new lungs will give Amy a new lease on life.

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Filed under Health, News

Dog dies for biting deputy

By William R. Toler

A Pitt County dog will die this week for protecting its property.

Earlier this month, Deputy Tim Peadon was responding to a call when he was bitten by a pit bull-german shepard mix. The dog reportedly broke off its chain before attacking the deputy.

The dog’s owner turned it over to animal control officials where it was kept under quarantine for 10 days. Although the dog showed no sign of danger, animal control officals said they would have to put the dog down anyway.
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Cabbie arrested at CCC

By William R. Toler

Craven Community College in New Bern went on lockdown Wednesday morning after someone spotted a man with a gun.

Linwood Avery was arrested after someone spotted his holstered 9 mm handgun when he got out of his cab to assist his handicapped passenger.

The man was charged with a misdemeanor for having a firearm on educational property. Police say he was charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony because the gun was holstered and he wasn’t posing an immediate threat. A blazer Avery used as a cab was later towed.
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Filed under civil rights, News

How can voluntarism be mandatory?

By Richard C. Evey

On Jan. 23, Department of Defense Deputy Secretary Gordon England signed Department of Defense Directive 1404.10, which forms a civilian expeditionary work force.  This work force will be trained, equipped and deployed to support DoD missions overseas.

The intent of the program “is to maximize the use of the civilian work force to allow military personnel to be fully utilized for operational requirements.” This is being done because the U.S. military is stretched so thin that it cannot do an efficient job of world domination.

The U.S. military has combat-ready troops stationed in more than 140 countries. These are not embassy guards, these are combat forces doing everything from meals-on-wheels to search and destroy missions.

What they are searching for and destroying is not known, at least to us, the ones whose money is plundered to pay the bills.

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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

President AKA should prove U.S. birth

By Richard C. Evey

It has been written all over the World Wide Web, it has been talked about on non-mainstream media, it has been ignored by the MSM, but the true facts must be revealed. We, the people, must be told the truth and shown the real evidence.

Is the me ssiah, aka Barack Hussein Obama, aka Berry Seotoro, aka Barry Dunham , aka Barry Obama, et cetera, et cetera, a natural born citizen, as required by the United States Constitution?

The Constitution states in Article II, Section I (paragraph 6), “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible [for] the Office of President.”

AKA’s official birth certificate will not be released by the state of Hawaii. AKA will not spend $12.50 for an official copy of his so-called birth certificate and have it made public, but he will spend more than $1 million in legal fees keeping anyone from trying to obtain an official copy of his birth certificate.

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