Tag Archives: civillian workforce

How can voluntarism be mandatory?

By Richard C. Evey

On Jan. 23, Department of Defense Deputy Secretary Gordon England signed Department of Defense Directive 1404.10, which forms a civilian expeditionary work force.  This work force will be trained, equipped and deployed to support DoD missions overseas.

The intent of the program “is to maximize the use of the civilian work force to allow military personnel to be fully utilized for operational requirements.” This is being done because the U.S. military is stretched so thin that it cannot do an efficient job of world domination.

The U.S. military has combat-ready troops stationed in more than 140 countries. These are not embassy guards, these are combat forces doing everything from meals-on-wheels to search and destroy missions.

What they are searching for and destroying is not known, at least to us, the ones whose money is plundered to pay the bills.

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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics