How can voluntarism be mandatory?

By Richard C. Evey

On Jan. 23, Department of Defense Deputy Secretary Gordon England signed Department of Defense Directive 1404.10, which forms a civilian expeditionary work force.  This work force will be trained, equipped and deployed to support DoD missions overseas.

The intent of the program “is to maximize the use of the civilian work force to allow military personnel to be fully utilized for operational requirements.” This is being done because the U.S. military is stretched so thin that it cannot do an efficient job of world domination.

The U.S. military has combat-ready troops stationed in more than 140 countries. These are not embassy guards, these are combat forces doing everything from meals-on-wheels to search and destroy missions.

What they are searching for and destroying is not known, at least to us, the ones whose money is plundered to pay the bills.

The program will be for DoD employees, former and retired civilian employees of the federal government. The assignments will be for two years. The directive states that if they do not get enough volunteers, there will be mandatory service. It is my understanding the slavery was abolished: Amendment 13 to the United States Constitution.

These “volunteers” will be doing work supporting humanitarian, reconstruction and, if needed, combat-support missions.

All participants will undergo pre-and post-deployment medical testing, including physical and psychological exams. That leaves me out of the show, and I was so looking forward to assisting the messiah in the continuing work of the United States and its efforts for world domination.

Now the good news: When you “volunteer” in this program, you will receive the Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism. Oh, goody, I can hardly wait!


Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

3 responses to “How can voluntarism be mandatory?

  1. lilmsnobody

    “messiah” what in the hell? please he is far from being the messiah. he puts his pants on just like i do.”one leg at a time”. he is just a man.

    okay so what did you call bush? he is the one who put the US in this mess remember! now this guy has to play mr. clean up man! lets just see what he does to fix this before we start the name calling.

    maybe he will do a better job than bush ?

  2. Richard C. Evey

    During the campain, Faracant called AKA the messiah because he said the AKA will be the savior of this country. I called Bush a lot of things: you want the whole list or just the top 5. King George II for one and a lot of others I will not list.

  3. lilmsnobody

    lol good to know that i’m not alone! i’ve called good old bush a few things myself. i don’t have a name for aka yet. i guess i’m waiting for the ball to drop! “savior of this country” yeah right!

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