Monthly Archives: May 2012

License to blog?

By William R. Toler

I love North Carolina. It’s a beautiful state, from the miles of beaches on the Atlantic Coast to the hazy hills of the southern Appalachians. But sometimes the idoacy the “powers that be” make me sad to be Tarheel born and bred.

A blogger could be facing jail time. His crime: wrting about the Paleo Diet.

After Steve Cooksey was hospitalized with diabetes in 2009, he decided to fight his ailment by changing his diet, the Carolina Journal reports. After experiencing positive results from the low-carb, high-protein regimen, Cooksey decided to start a blog.

Depsite having a disclaimer at the bottom of his blog stating, “I am not a doctor, dietitian nor nutritionist… in fact I have no medical training of any kind,” Cooksey received a letter from the North Carolina Board of Dietetics/Nutrition.

Isn’t that nice? We have a Nanny State agency to “protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of North Carolina from harmful nutrition practice by providing for the licensure and regulation of persons engaged in the practice of dietetics/nutrition and by establishing educational standards for those persons.” How did we survive before 1992?
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Filed under civil rights, Health

Carolina crop circles

By William R. Toler

Courtesy WCTI-TV

Alien intervention, paranormal prank or weather weirdness?

Mysterious crop formations in western Craven County have locals buzzing.

According to NewsChannel 12, the formations appeared in several wheat fields nearly two weeks ago along Rollover Creek Road. The stalks were bent, not broken, as in most crop circle cases. Unlike most circles, some of the edges were squared off.
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Filed under News, Unexplained

Man arrested for trying to report suspected crime

By Carlos Miller
Photography Is Not a Crime

John Nix pulled out his cell phone after spotting what he thought was a gang of thugs mugging a man in the parking lot of a North Carolina shopping mall last week.

The former city council candidate ended up in jail after the men who were in street clothes turned out to be cops arresting a suspected shoplifter.

They thought he was taking their picture.
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Filed under civil rights, News

Thoughts on the fallout of Amendment One

By Adam Carlson

Well, the amendment passed and now the opinions are flying left and right like shit being hurled from the monkey house at the zoo.

There have been a lot of people who voted for this amendment stating that they did so and that they are proud of their choice to vote their beliefs. Furthermore most have also pointed out that they feel persecuted because those with progressive views (not to mention those of us who are actually educated and informed) are calling them ignorant for it.

For the record, if you voted pro Amendment One believing that it was really about blocking homosexual marriage from attaining legal status in North Carolina you did vote out of ignorance. Also, if you voted pro Amendment One believing that it was legislation to MAKE homosexual marriage illegal in North Carolina, you ARE actually ignorant (by definition). Gay marriage has never been legally recognized in N.C., part of this amendment was simply blocking the ability of any one judge to overturn that by writing it into our constitution. And that was just the bait!
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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

School clothing hang-ups

By William R. Toler

Three girls.

Two schools.

One problem.

They all got in trouble for their clothing decisions… and it’s not like they were dressed like whores.

Texanna Edwards, a senior at Gibson County High School, showed up at prom with a dress displaying the school colors of red, white and blue. But when she tried to walk in, she was denied.

The reason: her red, white and blue made up the stars and bars of the confederate battle flag. School officials told her it was “offensive and inappropriate.”
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Filed under civil rights, Education, News