Category Archives: Unexplained

Carolina crop circles

By William R. Toler

Courtesy WCTI-TV

Alien intervention, paranormal prank or weather weirdness?

Mysterious crop formations in western Craven County have locals buzzing.

According to NewsChannel 12, the formations appeared in several wheat fields nearly two weeks ago along Rollover Creek Road. The stalks were bent, not broken, as in most crop circle cases. Unlike most circles, some of the edges were squared off.
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Researcher: Thermal image of sasquatch caught in Uwharrie Natl. Forest

By William R. Toler

The Tar Heel State has had another sighting of the legendary bigfoot.

But unlike the backwoods witness featured on news stations across America earlier this year, this sasquatch spotter seems to be a bit more believable.

Researcher Mike Greene believes that he captured footage of a bigfoot using thermal imaging technology last year in the Uwharrie National Forest, according to WGHP-TV.

“It can’t be anything else, I mean, it literally can’t be anything else,” said Greene, who used to be a fraud investigator in New Jersey.

Greene set out a candy bar to attract the beast after being awakened by what he calls “Darth Vader breaths.”

The footage shows what appears to be a 7-feet tall, muscular creature come from the woods, pick up the candy bar and return to the cover of the forest.
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Secret Knowledge

By Adam Carlson

“The Devil’s greatest trick was convincing man that he does not exist.”

What is “Secret Knowledge?” It is the true history and nature of a thing or an event that has been masked in part or in whole by the powers that lurk in the shadows of history (and they are still around). The power behind the throne or the puppet masters, call them what you will but they do exist and garner, by means both financial, religious and political, the control of the masses. The biggest weapon in their arsenal is ignorance. Keep the masses ignorant and they don’t even know there is a will greater than their own to resist, let alone how to resist it.
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Filed under Philosophy, Unexplained

Tar Heel Bigfoot?

By William R. Toler

Is there a sasqutch running wild in North Carolina?

A frame from the infamous Patterson Film

Recent news reports would say so.

Several local media outlets reported on a June 5 sighting in Cleveland County. Timothy Peeler called 911 after seeing a 10-feet tall creature with a long beard.

“Well, he is what I would call a sasquatch,” Peeler told WSOC-TV. “He had gray hair, gray beard that came down to here [pointing to his navel]; had long hair that was yellowish gray.”

The Shelby Star reports that back in the 1970s there were multiple sightings of a large, ape-like creature dubbed “Knobby” by Charlotte journalist Robert Williams. The creature was given the name after being sighted several times near Carpenter’s Knob.

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Nessie on Google Earth?

By William R. Toler

Fans of cryptozoology had high hopes last week when security guard Jason Cooke thought he spotted the mysterious creature while browsing satellite photos of Loch

Could the object below the circled object be the Loch Ness Monster?

Could the object below the circled object be the Loch Ness Monster?

Ness, according to The Sun.

For centuries, people have reported seeing a serpent-like beast in the most famous loch in Scotland.

But author Steve Alten proposed on Coast to Coast A.M. that the image, that resembles a squid, is actually a boat. Alten also believes that the infamous Nessie may be a giant eel, rather than a Plesiosaur as has been purported and promoted.

After looking at the picture a few times at Extraordinary Intelligence, I noticed something else…below the squid-shaped boat. A sliver of something heading toward…or away from the boat. Maybe that could be Nessie.

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Phantom follow-up

By William R. Toler

While posting “Paranormal Paranoia“, an old blog entry/column I wrote in 2007, I mentioned the article that accompanied it in the print edition of the Beaufort Observer. Well, here it is:
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A ghostly goodie

By William R. Toler

Being Halloween and all, I decided to bring an old post back to life, since it’s been burried for a while. Enjoy.

Paranormal Paranoia

My belief in the paranormal and unexplained goes back to early childhood.

I’ve always been interested in ghosts, UFOs, cryptids and the like.

Through the years I’ve had brief experiences that strengthen my views, but nothing like the following account from April 2007:

There are some people who don’t believe in the paranormal.

Then there are those who do believe.

Then…there are those who experience it.

My wife, Heather*, and I fall into the last category.
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Paranormal paranoia

By William R. Toler

My belief in the paranormal and unexplained goes back to early childhood.

I’ve always been interested in ghosts, UFOs, cryptids and the like.

Through the years I’ve had brief experiences that strengthen my views, but nothing like the following account from April 2007:

There are some people who don’t believe in the paranormal.

Then there are those who do believe.

Then…there are those who experience it.

My wife, Heather, and I fall into the last category.
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Filed under Unexplained