Tag Archives: citizenship

President AKA should prove U.S. birth

By Richard C. Evey

It has been written all over the World Wide Web, it has been talked about on non-mainstream media, it has been ignored by the MSM, but the true facts must be revealed. We, the people, must be told the truth and shown the real evidence.

Is the me ssiah, aka Barack Hussein Obama, aka Berry Seotoro, aka Barry Dunham , aka Barry Obama, et cetera, et cetera, a natural born citizen, as required by the United States Constitution?

The Constitution states in Article II, Section I (paragraph 6), “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible [for] the Office of President.”

AKA’s official birth certificate will not be released by the state of Hawaii. AKA will not spend $12.50 for an official copy of his so-called birth certificate and have it made public, but he will spend more than $1 million in legal fees keeping anyone from trying to obtain an official copy of his birth certificate.

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