Tag Archives: FOX News

There goes the Judge

By William R. Toler

Shortly after 4 pm, FOX Business Network announced a reshuffling of programming which included cancelling Freedom Watch hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Photo Courtesy FOX News

And Libertarians across the country are pissed.

In a press release, the network announced that encore presentations of “the channel’s top post-market programs” would be aired, and three programs would get the ax. That’s right…they’re cancelling the Judge for reruns!

“We look forward to Judge Napolitano…continuing to make significant contributions to both FOX Business and FOX News,” said Kevin Magee, executive vice-president of the network. “In addition to daily branded segments, each of them will be showcased throughout future programming on both networks.”
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Republicans rage in Iowa debate

By James White

Another Republican debate down.  If nothing else, this one was certainly entertaining.

Tim Pawlenty found his spine and attacked Michele Bachmann.  That kitty has claws, though, and she gave just as good as she got (and looked classier doing it!)  They fought over each other’s record.  Pawlenty pointed out that Bachmann had a zero success rate while she painted him as a liberal while he was governor of Minnesota.

Rick Santorum and Ron Paul sparred over basic conservative values.  Paul constantly blew Santorum’s mind, and it showed on Santorum’s face as he looked incredulously at his opponent.  Of course, Santorum almost made Congressman Paul have an aneurysm when he began talking about the need for more military action against Iran.

Newt Gingrich fought with no one on the stage, but instead directed his rage to the mainstream media and their “gotcha questions”.  Remember, when I say “mainstream media”, this is FOX News that is hosting this debate, and by “gotcha questions” I mean questions about his record.  But everyone knows that Gingrich has trouble keeping everything he says straight.
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Republican debate Round 1: And the winner is…

By James White

Last night was the first of many Republican debates, and it was worth mentioning for several reasons.

  Only five candidates showed for the event.  Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Gary Johnson were the ones that made the trip to Greenville, South Carolina, and most of these contenders aren’t really considered to be the “heavyweights” of the Republican party.  Most notable by their absences were Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Michelle Bachman (whose performance I was especially looking forward to!).  Another aspect of the contest was that it was hosted by Fox News, which I’m sure is a surprise to everyone that they hosted the first Republican debate.  The best feature of this debate was that it gave the opportunity for candidates to be heard that would otherwise be drowned out during other debates and news cycles. 
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Mission finally accomplished?

By William R. Toler

Newspaper headlines this morning all across the country heralded the same basic message: “WE GOT THE BASTARD.”

News outlets began reporting on the assasination of America’s arch nemisis “Osama” bin Laden late Sunday night, with special breaking news reports and a speech by President Barack Obama. A special operations team had found the leader of al Qaeda in a compound in northern Pakistan and taken him out. (His name is spelled “Usama” not “Osama.”)

Americans began gathering outside the White House, in Times Square and Ground Zero in New York to celebrate the death of the man “responsible” for the attacks on our soil on Sept. 11, 2001 in a display of fake patriotism similar to that right after the attacks.

As soon as I heard the news from Eric Voliva, former sports editor of the Independent Register, my “conspiratorial” mind went into overdrive. I started thinking about the timing of the event and as reports continously come in, I get contiously suspicious. To quote a good friend, “Im not quite ready to baptize myself in red, white, and blue confetti just yet.”
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Liberals falling for sound-bite populism

By Nina Kilbride

I am thrilled at the initial success of North Carolina citizens of all political inclinations in transforming the process of curriculum development in the state. But I am troubled.

Why? Because the few people who persist in advocating, “let the DPI do its job” are liberals like me! I think their understanding of the issue boils down to sound bites, and stems from a knee-jerk reaction to a story brought to national attention by Fox media. Whose fault is it that Fox had a better read on the pulse of its constituents than the liberal media?

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A day forgotten

By William R. Toler

Richard C. Evey was right.

The significance of Sept. 17 went by unnoticed by the mass media.

Even the ever-patriotic FOX News neglected to edit together a package reminding the American public of the day’s importance.

After 221 years, the public has forgotten that one of the world’s most important documents was signed by 39 statesmen. That document is the U.S. Constitution.

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