Tag Archives: Adam Kokesh

Profanity fine leads to planned protest

By William R. Toler

WARNING: In the spirit of free speech, this post is completely uncensored.

A recent decision by a Massachusetts town to fine foul language has spurred a massive, planned showing of civil disobedience.

Liberty activist Adam Kokesh announced on his online show “ADAM VS THE MAN” that he would be hosting the event Free FUCKING Speech Demonstration in Middleborough, MA. The profanity party is scheduled to take place at the Middleborough Town Hall June 25. The same town hall where residents voted 183-50 to impose a $20 fine on cussing in public, according to the AP .
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Filed under civil rights, News

Jefferson and nose rings

By William R. Toler

What does Thomas Jefferson have in common with nose rings?

They’re both the subject of tonight’s updates.

Monday, Johnston County Schools announced that it would drop it’s appeal for a dress code “violator” after a settlement was reached, according to the Associated Press.

Last October, Joanna Carter wrote about a teen in Johnston County who was suspended for wearing a small stud in her pierced nose. School officials said her nasal no-no violated a dress code policy that restricts visable piercings to ears.

Ariana Iacono, a 15-year-old student at Clayton High School was repeatedly suspended for her violation. Iacono refused to take it out and fought her suspension on religous reasons because she and her family belong to the Church of Body Modification. The small sect believes: “Practicing body modification and engaging in body manipulation rituals strengthen the bond between mind, body, and soul.”
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Filed under civil rights

‘Dance Party @ TJ’s’

By William R. Toler

Wanna dance?

If you’re going to be in the nation’s capital this weekend, then the Jefferson Memorial is the place to be.

Following a court decision that upheld a ban on dancing at the memorial, five people including Adam Kokesh (host of Adam VS The Man), were arrested last Saturday for silently dancing. During the somewhat violent arrest, Kokesh was picked up and slammed to the ground. The officer then put his hand’s around Kokesh’s throat. Judge Andrew Napalitano described the scene as “‘Footloose’ meets the Gestapo.”

“We were phyiscally assaulted by some men in some blue costumes and put in a cage for a couple of hours,” Kokesh said appearing on Freedom Watch.

Kokesh and the other four protesters were charged with demonstrating without a permit.

“We are not going to stand for this. I’m very excited to see a lot of people have taken up this cause who were equally upset,” said Kokesh. “The real enemies of the constitution are here at home in the United States.”

Not to be deterred, hundreds are expected this Saturday for “Dance Party@ TJ’s.” The event is expected to be a mass display of civil disobedience. “We’re bringing some back up dancers this time,” he said.


Filed under civil rights, News