Tag Archives: Waco

A look back at Oklahoma

By Richard C. Evey

April 19, 2010: 15 years since the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (MFB) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was bombed.

The story goes that Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols and a third unknown person(?), loaded a rental truck with 5 tons of fertilizer (ammonium nitrate), nitro methane fuel (some reports said it was diesel fuel), drove to the MFB, parked the truck in front of the building, set a fuse and left the truck. The truck exploded destroying the front of the building and killing 260 plus people. There were children in the building. The federal government allowed a day care facility in the building under pressure from rights and women’s groups. The presence of a day care facility in a federal building is still under question today.

AT&T had a building across the street from the MFB. AT&T had 24-hour cameras on both sides of the building overlooking the street in front of the building and also showing the MFB. After the bombing the tapes were given to the Federal Bureau of Intimidation (FBI). The tapes went missing shortly after the building was taken down, shipped to a local military base, burned, a fence placed around the rubble and a 24-hour security put on the site.
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Filed under News, Politics

Another Waco?

By Richard C. Evey

I have often wondered and people have asked me: When will the government stop the over taxation, over spending, abuse of our freedom, the unconstitutional laws, endless wars, abuse of power and when will the American people say ENOUGH??

When will the American people take a stand and tell the government to return government back to government by and for the people and not by and for the elected officials and the wealthy?

What will it take: another WACO, RUBY RIDGE?

IF it happened, would the American people see and listen to the real truth or to what main stream media and the government tells them and would the American people step up to the plate and defend the people being abused. Would the American people take that stand and fight the government, not just with words but meeting force with force?
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Filed under civil rights, Politics