Tag Archives: America

Negative America

By Justin A. Chick

There seems to be a growing trend in American society these days of widespread, unprovoked pessimism. From the cynical, unfounded drivel generated in the media to the political slander prevalent in modern politics, this negativity is having a detrimental and noticeable effect on the collective morale of American citizens at a time when spirits are already weighed down by a slowly recovering economy. One of the biggest facilitators of this unprecedented negativity is the internet.

Anywhere we look online we’re bound to find traces of rampant misbehavior. Take news articles for example. A recent article by the Daily Beast highlights a series of instances when the media—specifically the New York Times—had deemed a “potential Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities ‘preemptive.”’ However, the article goes on to explain that “preemptive” implies that you are aware of an impending attack and are responding based on that certainty. A more accurate word would be preventative. Now, one might think, ‘What’s the big deal? It’s just a tiny error.’ Well, maybe so. But taken in its original context, the intentions of an entire nation are greatly exaggerated with a simple linguistic error. Such an implication from such a respectable news source can easily sway public opinion and heave a country into a war it doesn’t fully understand. This very thing happened with Iraq.
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Filed under Politics

Free speech shot down at school

By William R. Toler

A protester at a town hall meeting at a school in Reston, Va., late last month was threatened with arrest for a sign featuring the “Jokerbama” image, according to Alex Jones’ PrisonPlanet.com.

The altercation was captured on video and posted on YouTube and is at the bottom of this post.

Security officer Wesley Cheeks tells the man that he could not hold up his placard, which was similar in message to the others, because it had a picture on it. The words accompanying the picture were “Organizing for National Socialist Health Care – The Final Solution.”

Cheeks told the protester if he put the sign back up he would be charged with trespassing. When the protester questioned the charge, Cheeks old him, “If I told you once to take it down and you put it back up, I can charge you with whatever I want to charge you with.”

The protestor then said, “This used to be America,” and Cheeks responded with “It ain’t no more, OK?”

No, Mr. Cheeks…that ain’t OK.

An unidentified man standing nearby said “school grounds have very different First Amendment rights than anywhere else.”

Sad…but true.
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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

Another Waco?

By Richard C. Evey

I have often wondered and people have asked me: When will the government stop the over taxation, over spending, abuse of our freedom, the unconstitutional laws, endless wars, abuse of power and when will the American people say ENOUGH??

When will the American people take a stand and tell the government to return government back to government by and for the people and not by and for the elected officials and the wealthy?

What will it take: another WACO, RUBY RIDGE?

IF it happened, would the American people see and listen to the real truth or to what main stream media and the government tells them and would the American people step up to the plate and defend the people being abused. Would the American people take that stand and fight the government, not just with words but meeting force with force?
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Filed under civil rights, Politics