Tag Archives: U.S. House

In eastern N.C., 2010 is 2008

By Thomas Brock

As my first post here at IndieRegister.com, I’d like to highlight what will likely be a very public mudfight: The race for eastern North Carolina’ss 3rd Congressional seat.

2010 appears to be a semi-replay of 2008 in several ways. Congressman Walter B. Jones Jr., the Republican incumbent, will probably face primary competition from former Onslow County Commissioner Joe McLaughlin. McLaughlin faced Jones Jr in the 2008 primary election. An early follower of the Tea Party group, McLaughlin targeted Jones Jr for his lack of conservative credibility and flipping on his previous support for the ongoing occupation of Iraq.

McLaughlin lost to Jones Jr after not being able to raise the money necessary to generate much interest. McLaughlin has stayed out of the limelight until recent letters to editor of the Jacksonville Daily News began indicating his interest to run against Jones Jr again.

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A congressional con artist

By Nicole Navarro

Taking advantage of other people’s misfortune and fears certainly isn’t a new concept. But it is a concept that is spreading — all the way to the U.S. House.

As was expected, the recent disaster in Haiti had scam artists ready to take action. Within 24 hours of the massive quake, the first spam scam e-mails were reported. There also reports of phone calls from people claiming to be survivors of the disaster or family members of survivors asking for money.

Mental images that come to mind when I think of Haiti right now don’t include Haitians sitting around on their cell phones dialing random numbers to ask for help. 

I would like to think if someone called me, they wouldn’t get too much further than “Hey, I am a survivor in Haiti” before either I hang up or try to collect information in an effort to report it to authorities.

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