Tag Archives: patriotism

Problems with the pledge

By Joanna Carter

Recently, I have seen numerous billboards across the state showing people’s displeasure with some people omitting the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Before I go any further, let me say that I am in no way whatsoever saying these people, who apparently care enough about their beliefs in God to spend their own hard-earned or generously donated money to relay their opinions, are wrong in doing so, nor do I have a problem with Christians or God. I admire anyone for holding on to any beliefs, religious or otherwise, with a fervor that is greatly lacking in an age of apathy, and I consider myself Christian, even though it has been years since I have actually stepped foot into a church for a service other than the occasional wedding or funeral. However, although I believe their intentions are good, I also believe that some of the people up in arms about this topic don’t know much about the history of what we say when showing our patriotism.
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