Tag Archives: N.C. General Assembly

Amendment One: A political powergrab

By Jennifer Nicole Howard

Why is it that so many conservatives are afraid of gay people? Something tells me they aren’t.

The North Carolina General Assembly, largely controlled by Republicans, has passed an amendment to the state’s constitution which will be decided on by voters next month.  NC Amendment One seeks to establish marriage between a man and a woman as the only legally recognized union in the state.  This objective will preclude legal recognition for all other domestic partnerships in the process. Same-sex marriage is already illegal in North Carolina, so why are the bureaucrats so apprehensive?

It seems that these politicians have passed the point of concern to control gays and have a concern to control society at large. The men behind such a disastrous policy have one thing: the control of other human beings. These men hold a view of life that is so narrow-minded that they feel the need to control others in order to keep its tradition. Man has long lived under the rule of brute force and its religious counterparts. History proves that these ideals are misguided, yet these cynical men want to hold back the minds of those who wish to evolve.

Senator Daniel Soucek, a Republican sponsor of the bill said, “It’s not just the term marriage; it’s all of the societal communal building blocks that make up traditional marriage. We think that’s the healthiest way to raise children.” The comment here proves my point. This law is based on an arbitrary opinion. These traditionalists are afraid of change.

Studies show that child-rearing in a same-sex household does not affect their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health. The vast consensus of these studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way. The supporters of this bill don’t care to know that such studies have been done. These types of people are simply stuck in their ways. They never care to seek the vast amount of information available to a human mind if one chooses to think. Instead they clench to outdated traditions, refuting new information that will contradict their premises, of which they are incapable of repudiating.
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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

It’s election season in eastern N.C.

By Thomas Brock

This week marks the official beginning of 2010’s election season. Candidates must file between Feb. 8 and Feb. 19 to be on the May primary election ballot. The winners of those contests will move on to November’s general election.

U.S. Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr. (N.C. District 3)  will face primary competition from Bob Cavanaugh for the Republican bid. I expect former Onslow County Commissioner Joe McLaughlin to file soon. McLaughlin ran against Jones in 2008 and lost in the primary, but has been active in conservative circles and on the Jacksonville Daily News editorial page, usually excoriating Mr. Jones.

Sperby Piner, an unknown Sneads Ferry resident, declared his candidacy, but his wife announced he would not run after she shot him during a domestic dispute. On the Democratic side, Greenville attorney Johnny Rouse may face former weatherman and two-time failed candidate Craig Weber.

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