Tag Archives: Jews

Tobacco ban B.S.

By William R. Toler

Apparently the Sun Journal couldn’t find any smokers or anyone opposed to the ban on tobacco at Craven Community College for the article in Friday’s paper.

The article feautred several students and staff who seemed to be supportive of the ban, but the Independent Register has already reported on non-smokers who find the ban a little much.

The ban, approved by the board of trustees earlier this year, bans the use of all tobacco products. Not only that, but no advertisements are to be displayed anywhere on campus. Clubs are prohibited from taking donations from tobacco companies. It’s not like that was a common practice to begin with, but it completely outlaws it. Even student publications, such as the former Campus Communicator, can not accept advertising from tobacco companies.

So now, the Health Nazis have infiltrated CCC and are telling adults that they cannot smoke on public grounds…outside. One student interviewed for the puff piece (no pun intended) is a former smoker, but says now he can’t stand the smell of it. He went on to say, “People are going to have to realize that’s the way it’s going to be.”

Most smokers are courteous enough to go somewhere else if politely asked by someone who is bothered by smoke. But that doesn’t matter to those who want control.

Many non-smokers will say it’s for everyone’s health and it doesn’t bother me because it doesn’t affect me. Public health…isn’t that the line the Nazi’s used when they sent the Jews into the fatal shower rooms?

When will people draw the line?


Filed under Education, Health, News, Politics