Tag Archives: Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

FDA milk ban has consumers sour

By William R. Toler

Recent statements by the Food and Drug Administration have natural food advocates crying out over raw milk.

In a dismissal brief to a lawsuit brought against the FDA by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, the agency asserts that people “do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish.”

The suit was brought against the federal agency for its interstate ban on raw milk sales.

There has been a rise in individuals and families preferring to solicit their groceries from local farms and farmers markets instead of the processed foods being peddled by the corporate chains.

Unpasteurized milk, farm-fresh eggs and vegetables straight from the garden are believed to be much healthier and taste better than their mass-produced and sometimes genetically-modified counterparts.

FDA “experts” and those who drink the government’s Kool-Aid claim that the natural foods which haven’t been processed for your protection will harm you.
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Filed under civil rights, Consumer, Health