Tag Archives: Easton Area School District

Boobies bracelets and blue jeans

By William R. Toler

You would think that since the Tinker decision in 1969, public school officials would do a better job respecting the rights of students.

Sadly, as we’ve reported here time after time, that isn’t the case.

At that point, if the students and their parents have the abilty to recognize the violation, it is up to the courts to make the call.

This week, a federal judge ruled that middle schoolers can wear bracelets that read “I [heart] boobies” in recognition of breast cancer awareness, according to the Philidelphia Inquirer.

Brianna Hawk and Kaylea Martinez were suspended from Easton Area Middle School last October when the school decided to ban the popular bracelets. The girls had been wearing them since the school year began.
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Filed under civil rights, Education