Tag Archives: CNN

Haiti hatemongers: Our mirror image

By Ryan Graczkowski

You’ve all seen the advertisements on television. Some time, right in the middle of your primetime viewing, you see a child with a desperate, staring face, surrounded by a shack. Cue the sob story — no parents, barely getting by on hope and a dream and your donations, if you choose to give them.Haitian children

I hate to admit this, especially in my first piece, but I have to say that my first thought is: How in the world does that rich white guy with the beard not get robbed? It certainly isn’t for the horrors that these people are enduring on a day-by-day basis. I don’t consider them. I don’t imagine that you do, either.

Please don’t misread me. I’m not trying to pass a moral judgment here. I’m just saying that I’m more inclined to think about my bills and getting gas in my car. I think that’s normal, so I’m saying that you are probably the same.

Haiti doesn’t let us have that excuse anymore.

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