Tag Archives: Asa Eslocker

Police padlock producer

By William R. Toler

The handcuffs on the First Amendment were tightened Aug. 27 when a producer for ABC News was arrested in Denver, Colo.

Asa Eslocker was manhandled by a cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant for taking pictures of Democratic leaders and high rollers leaving a secret meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel in the Mile-High City.

Officers on the scene would not say what the charges against Eslocker were, but ABC News reports that its lawyers were later informed by a police official that is Eslocker is “being charged with trespass, interference, and failure to follow a lawful order.”  The official added that the arrest stemmed from a complaint signed by the hotel.

ABC News also reports that one officer was overheard saying, “You’re lucky I didn’t knock the f..k out of you.”

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