A brief look back at 2010

From state supressors to Walmart reciepts, 2010 has been a busy year for the Independent Register.

North Carolina has faced criticism from our columnists for multilple rights violations and downright dirty deals. William Toler and Nina Kilbride provided up-to-date information and commentary on the Department of Public Instruction’s plan to wipe out the first years of our nation from Carolina classrooms.

Likewise, Toler has been following an ongoing legal battle concerning a state law that bans the transportation of firearms during a delcared state of emergency. This year also saw a police state move from Gov. Bev Perdue as she signed a bill into law to set up a DNA database for any charged, not convited, with a violent felony.

Narrowing the focus to Wake County, Ryan Graczkowski chimed in on the controversial decision to stop bussing minority children to suburban schools as well as other educational and state issues.

2010 also saw the arrival and departure of contributors to the Independent Register. Longtime reader and writer Richard Evey said farewell to concentrate more on his political career as a Libertarian candiate. In the meantime, Joanna Carter and Adam Carlson joined the ranks to provide their takes on topics close to their hearts.

2010 was also a special year as founders Toler, Corey Friedman and Eric Voliva reunited to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the inception of the Independent Register, the newspaper that lives on in spirit through this blog.

While we at the Independent Register apologize for the lack of content over the last month of 2010, we look foward to more insightful and contrarian commentary in the upcoming year.

1 Comment

Filed under civil rights, Education, Indieregister, News

One response to “A brief look back at 2010


    May your creator bless you and watch over each and everyone of you. We can only hope for a better year in 2011 and for peace in the world.

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