Is it just me?

By William R. Toler

If you’ve read my bio, you may have seen that other than the I.R. I worked on Craven Community College’s Campus Communicator and another indie newspaper, the Beaufort Observer.

In addition to writing, I also developed my skills in page design and photography. In the past, I created several illustrations through some fancy photchoppin’. Some illustrations were used for headline stories and some for editorials.

Several months ago, while seeing footage of our beloved governor, Bev Perdue, I thought to myself, “Wow! She looks like the Joker!”


Filed under Politics

2 responses to “Is it just me?


    Will, you are just, — GREAT. Keep up the good fight.Maybe we can save this REPUBLIC.

  2. Daryl Harris

    Wow, she looks fabulous. You’ve taken years off her face. Now if we could take a couple of years off her term.

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