New World Order: Are we there yet?

By Richard C. Evey

I made the mistake of reading George Orwell’s book 1984. It made me very upset and made me think about what is happening to this once-great country of ours. I did read it a long time ago (1980s) and thought then that it would never happen in this country. Well, I was WRONG.

Everything that is in the book is happening today and not only in other countries, but here in the good old US of A, or should I say the USSA – United Socialist States of America? As a side note, we were headed for socialism long before AKA got into the White House.

But I digress: In the book there are three phrases:


War is peace – It is peace of mind, heart, spirit. WE are here for you to protect your and your family.

War against terror: It will give you peace of mind and heart that you do not have to worry or think about your safety and that WE are here to protect you and keep you safe.

War against drugs: It will keep you and your children safe and bad people off the streets. Your life is safe and drug-free because WE are fighting to keep drugs off the streets, out of schools, out of your home and out of the prisons.

War on poverty: WE will keep you in your home, give you health care and, if a job is not for you, WE will give you food, money and anything that you need. You will not be without.

War on homelessness: No one will be without a place to live. A safe, clean home where you will live in comfort and safety.

War on crime: WE will protect you and your family. WE will catch all lawbreakers, put them in prison and make your city safe and you will not live in fear. You will be safe from crime and have peace of mind.

War on disease: You will be protected from all disease and free of all health problems. WE will supply you with all the drugs, injections and whatever it takes to make and keep you healthy.

War on pollution: Your air, water, soil, any product you use will be free of any and all dangerous chemicals. We will make your life pollution free.

FREEDOM IS SLAVERY – Freedom from responsibility

Must you think for yourself, decide what to wear, what to eat, where to live, what to read, what to listen to, what job to do, how to deal with life? You should not have to make those decisions.

WE will help you with these things and more. WE will guide you through life, you will not have to worry about anything or make any choices. WE will take care of you and supply you with all of your needs and wants.

You will never have to make a decision about your life from the day you are born until the day you die.

You will be free, because you will not have to decide anything – WE will make all of your decisions.

IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH – The strength to know WE will tell you the truth.

WE will keep your informed. WE will tell you the truth. You will be strong with the information that WE give you. It will be the ignorance of misinformation, of half-truths, of lies by those who want to control and manipulate you.

Your strength will be the knowledge that WE will keep you informed of all that is most important. This will be done, not by US, but by sources that you can rely on, sources that you can trust. Sources that WE will not control.

There will be people and sources that will try to tell you different, but WE will make sure that OUR sources are correct and WE will keep them honest, the most trusted name in news, and they will be fair and balanced.

Ignorance of the lies, half-truths and misinformation will be your strength.

You the people have nothing to worry about. You will not have to think. You will be taken care of and You will hear nothing but the truth.

Welcome the New World Order. Big Brother is watching you.

I just scared the hell out of myself. Oh, by the way, WE ARE THERE!


Filed under Politics

5 responses to “New World Order: Are we there yet?

  1. Jake Thom

    Alarmist aren’t we?

  2. Richard’s not as alarmist as you think on this one. Yesterday’s Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has mind-boggling ramifications, some of which do sound like 1984. If anyone hasn’t read this since high school, you might want to check it out.

  3. I wrote several posts on this very blog when I first started reading “1984” and noticed a few similarities myself.

    Orwellian world

    Orwellian World: Part Zwei


  4. Jake Thom

    I think would the supreme court did was more of a oligarchical maneuver than anything else. It isn’t socialism by any means. Big business/corporations using the government as a tool for what they want. Our future will be more like idiocracy than 1984.

    • Jake Thom

      If you want to read where Orwell got the idea for 1984 essentially, read WE by yevgeny zamyatin it was actually really good. Zamyatin wrote it during the first few years of the Russian revolution during the period before the Soviet government implemented outright censorship.

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