What if Obama was African-born?

By Richard C. Evey

There has been talk about AKA and whether he was born in the United States or Kenya. Just to make it clear, AKA is the guy who lives in the White House. During his

President Barack AKA Obama

President Barack "AKA" Obama

life, he has had seven aliases.

The mainstream media has been talking about this off and on for the past few months; only when there is little else to talk about 24 hours a day. The issue has been gaining strength throughout the country and the world.

The DINOs — Democrats in name only — are all upset with certain media for even talking about the issue, saying that he was elected, sworn in and is in the White House, and that makes it good. The RINOs talk about it just because they want to run their mouths and have to keep hammering on AKA, just like the DINOs did to Bush.

Those of us who are part of the alternative news have been talking about this for years and no one has really listened. But, I digress.

Now, let us come to a really important issue. What would happen if AKA, the press or anyone comes up with the TRUTH? That there is not a Hawaiian birth certificate for AKA and the TRUTH that AKA was born in Kenya, Africa. Then the human excrement would really hit the oscillating device. What then would happen?

1. He is not the president, his election is invalid.
2. All the bills that he signed into law are null and void.
3. All the executive orders that he signed are null and void.
4. Any agreement. documents, etc. are null and void.
5. Any orders he gave to the military would be null and void

That would put the financial market in a total chaos and possible collapse. It would cause panic throughout the world. There would be riots in the streets of this country, as well as around the world.

Who would take over? Biden? Would there have to be another election? 

The results of this would be world-shaking. There could be total chaos. But if it were to happen, then this would be the perfect time for martial law to be declared and the military would be in charge, just what the New World Order people want. Then those who are really in charge will be really in charge.

I really think that it would never happen. Those in charge do not want a military takeover of the United States. Again, there would be chaos worldwide.

This is just like when the truth came out that Bush and his minions lied about the WMDs and lied about Iraq, People talked about it off and on but did little to correct what had happened. The RINOs defended Bush and DINOs talked about it.

But, it all died a slow, painful death, except for a few of us on the other side of the fence, away from government control.

The truth came out about the Civil War, the USS Maine, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the federal building in Oklahoma, the World Trade Center and the the Pentagon, and the media did nothing. Because the American people are afraid if the government is not there.

“What will I do? How will I survive?” Because the people rely on the government to be their mommy.

The truth will always cause panic among the people. They will realize that the government has been lying to them all these years and the American people will not accept it. The media is controlled by the government — just just like it is all over the world.

Editor’s note: The author’s contention — that President Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate is invalid — is not an editorial position of IndieRegister.com, which seeks a robust intellectual dialogue on the topic. The Pulitzer Prize-winning truth testers at PolitiFact.com offer this careful examination of the birth certificate brouhaha.
–Corey Friedman, contributing editor


Filed under Politics

3 responses to “What if Obama was African-born?

  1. CodyAnne

    Brouhaha? Corey, be fair. What has AKA to hide? I’d be interested in O living up to his claims, but all he’s delivered on is false hope – I don’t expect much more of him. He can’t even provide the truth of where he was born – McCain’s eligibility was proved by the Senate. BHO’s? Pelosi and a letter from some politician in Hawaii – sorry, that doesn’t cut it. We the people deserve to know everything about who “we” elected. For Obama to continue to pay to keep all of his credentials under wraps is a) a waste of our/his money (who is paying for it, anyhow?) and b) simply adds fuel to the fire.

    Kudos to you Richard for voicing your opinion, and Corey, thanks for letting him run this article 🙂

    • If you read the blogosphere’s insistent attacks on Obama’s citizenship, I think you’ll find that “brouhaha” is certainly fair – and descriptive.

      Personally, I’m a hound for transparency and accountability among government officials. If it’s established fact that Obama is paying to hide his credentials (I’ve seen no evidence of this), then the criticism is certainly warranted.

      My question to you, to Richard and to the other skeptics is this: What should Obama do to prove he was American-born? He’s steadfastly denied the African allegations, he’s released a birth certificate that, under Hawaii law, is not public record, and Hawaiian state leaders have vouched for its authenticity. (See the cogent and carefully worded PolitiFact.com article above.)

      If you propose reasonable ways that the president can satisfy his critics, I’ll leap aboard the bandwagon with gusto. But it’s more likely that nothing Obama says or does would dispel these persistent and politically charged rumors.

      Answer me this: Short of inventing time travel, what can Obama do to sway the skeptics?


  2. Richard

    Cory: All of AKA’s college files are sealed, why, no one is talking. AKA college files would show where he was born, what his real citizenship is, where his money for college come from and the list goes on. The cert. shown on his website is a Cert of Live Birth. It is computer written, in 1963 all birth doc were hand written. I have seen a 1963 Hawian birth cert, it is hand written. AKA want transpary in government. Then let it start with AKA. Sorry for the bad spelling, I am having a real bad month.

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