State apologizes for profiling

By William R. Toler

Missouri officials apologized Monday for linking Ron Paul supporters to militia members and domestic terrorists, according to a release from the state’s Libertarian Party.

Last week, a report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center drummed up a bit of opposition for its political profiling.

The release states that Department of Public Safety Director John Britt sent a letter to the candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin saying the references to the specific organizations shouldn’t have been included.

Director Britt wrote:

“In recognition of the mistaken inclusion of this information by the MIAC in its February 20, 2009 report on the militia movement, I have ordered that the offending report be edited so as to excise all reference to Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Chuck Baldwin and to any third-party political organizations. Additionally, you may rest assured that the report is not posted on any website maintained by the State of Missouri.

“The Missouri Department of Public Safety regrets any inconvenience or issues caused inadvertently by the unnecessary inclusion of certain components by MIAC in its militia report.”

Even with the apology, opponents of the report feel it has too broad of a reach. The report also mentions pro-life activists, people who have purchased the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag or Aaron Russo’s “America: Freedom to Fascism” as possible threats. 

Michael German from the American Civil Liberties Union says the report “crosses the line.” “It seems to implicate people who are engaging in First Amendment protected activities and suggest that something as innocuous as supporting a political candidate for office would mean that you’re harboring some ill-intent,” German told “It’s completely inappropriate.” 

That it is Michael…that it is.

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Filed under civil rights, News, Politics

One response to “State apologizes for profiling

  1. Three %

    No matter what they say, they will continue to profile any one they please. They have done it wih blacks, and other groups.

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